Departing from ‘Portas do Mar’, Ponta Delgada’s new marina, ‘Moby Dick-Tours’ allows you to observe the diverse wildlife of the North Atlantic in their natural habitat.
It is an unforgettable trip of a lifetime!
Every day, every trip is different.
Our trips vary greatly in length, with a minimum of 4 hours.
Our guests often ask us why we have such variation in our schedule. The answer is simple: Wildlife is unpredictable. Whales and dolphins are always moving, so we can never know where exactly we will find them. We may have to travel some extra miles out when the whales are further away.
‘Moby Dick-Tours’ does not charge you for these extended trips.

Since we follow the lookout’s reports of the animals’ location, we have no fixed route. Although wildlife is the priority of our trips, the scenery of São Miguel’s coastline is a spectacular sight as well.
We sometimes travel far out on the ocean and follow the coastline on our way back into Ponta Delgada harbour. This part of our trip provides you with incredible views of the island: the small communities that dot the shoreline and the unspoilt wilderness of the coast’s volcanic rock formations.
When our search for the animals takes us east, the tour includes a trip around the ‘Ilhéu de Vila Franca do Campo’, with its circular-shaped lagoon. You will see the outside volcanic crater walls and the impressive monolith from which the athletes plunge into the depths during the annual ‘Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series’. The islet also serves as a favourite breeding site for the Cory’s shearwater, one of the rarest birds of Europe.